Going Ape Vision

Increasing Awareness, Sharing Passion and Creating Opportunities

Going Ape aims to connect us with our roots in nature, preserving the world's rainforests as well as ancient shamanistic knowledge and traditions of indigenous tribes of the rainforests.

1. Increase Awareness for the Protection of the World's Rainforests

Going Ape offers an opportunity, where everybody can share their passion and inspirations for the preservation of the world's rainforest and get involved in Going Ape Events.

2. Sharing our Passion and Committment for the World's Rainforests

Go Ape, be part of the rainforest tribe and support its protection through volunteering. The world's rainforests are the home for more than half of all animal and plant species on Earth, as well as for many indigenous tribes whose lives depends on the rainforests.

3. Creating Opportunities for a Sustainable Society

Going Ape aims to connect us with our roots in nature and empowering us to be the change that we want to see. The rainforests are the second-largest ecosystems on the planet. If rainforests are deforested CO2 is released into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Save your freedom of choice for the use of natural medicinal herbs in Europe! - Please sign petition!

Save natural remedies in Europe. Keep your freedom of choice. The European Union has approved under THMPD Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive, which will come into force on the 30th of April 2011, to stop our right to use alternative medicine as free choice.

The aim is to secure billions of Euros of profits for the pharmaceutical industry for years to come by obliging patients to use their drugs instead of alternative natural medicine. Plants that have been used by herbalists for thousands of years would need approval which would be very costly ranging around £100,000 per herb and obviously totally impossible to afford by the individual herbalists, ensuring the monopoly of the market for big pharmaceutical corporations.

Please watch the video and sign the petition at http://www.savenaturalhealth.eu

Thank you!

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Help save the rainforest!

We need to do something to help protect the world’s rainforests, which are rapidly being destroyed. Going Ape provides you with an opportunity to do something very practical about this. We are inviting donors to purchase primary growth rainforest that is available for sale and linked to a nearby project that will ensure its protection.

Going Ape Membership

Yearly Membership

Unwaged £5
Waged £20

Lifetime Membership (Individuals)

All £200

Corporate Membership

All £500

Please donate to Going Ape to help us buy rainforest. You'll receive a certificate indicating the location of the piece of the rainforest that you helped to buy. You will be able to see the location of the rainforest that you have saved on Google Earth at Spot your plot.

Buy a raffle ticket and win a Jungle Retreat in the Peruvian rainforest!

By buying a raffle ticket for £10 you can go in the draw to win an 11 days Jungle Retreat at Katari - Centro de Medicina Tradicional y Rescate de Saberes Indigenas - in Yurimaguas, Peru!

Background Story: Declaration of Yurimaguas

The corporation Romero is deforesting 200 hectares of primary-growth rainforest per day near Yurimaguas in Peru. That's the size of London every day! The total size of the project is 30,000 hectares for mono-culture palm oil plantations. That's 150 times the size of London. Read more about this case at WRM - English . See the complete Declaration of Yurimaguas in Spanish / English (doc) / German (doc).

Location on Google Map: -5.9719,-76.085472

Is it possible to stop them? Is it legal to deforest primary growth rainforest? Local people are saying, that their regional and national government has been bribed by Groupo Romero. Groupo Romero is threatening local people with weapons to sell their land and by poisoning their water resources and denying access to their properties by violence, they force their rights to claim ownership of rainforest land in order to build their mono-culture palm-oil empire in the whole of the region.

As the demand of bio-diesel, which is made from palm oil is rising, the pressure on local communities to sell their forests as a short gain profit is rising. If rainforests are deforested these trees cannot capture CO2 in the atmosphere anymore, thus contributing to global warming. The ecological equaqtion of bio-fuel made of palm oil is destructive: Per litre bio-diesel there are 800 % more green house gases than with fosile diesel. More than half of the Earth's species live in the rainforests. These rainforests are also the home of 50 Million indiginous people as well as the source of biodiversity and many yet unknown plants of medical value.

So please dig deep and donate now.

Thank you for your support!

Going Ape


Friday, 22 April 2011